You are currently running, or previously installed version 5.5 of Aurea Social and are looking to remove this legacy release. While referencing the Uninstall steps within the legacy help documentation to remove these older references from the host server, you notice that the cited uninstall package is unavailable.
The newer versions of Aurea Social provide a GUI-based uninstaller that you can use to remove this from the host server. However, the older releases did not have this functionality, and you must use the manual uninstall process.
You can find the older version 5.5 uninstall package attached for your convenience. You can reference the guidance within the Legacy Aurea Social version 5.5 Documentation for their usage.
WARNING: These attached files are specifically for the uninstall process of Version 5.5 documented within the Legacy Help Documentation. These scripts have not been vetted within modern environments and were initially developed for versions of the software now End of Life.
They are provided AS-IS for historical reference and should not be run to remove newer releases of Aurea Social.